I am surrounded by the coolest most inspiring people!
That includes you who come into the shop, work with me, and read this blog.
I get encouragement and inspiration from you all.
There really is a huge amount of creativity right here around us.
I love to contribute to that, and I am learning to appreciate when the creative spoils come my way- without feeling too guilty!
Last year our good friend Mr.
W. Lambe (of Guitar building fame) asked a wonderful and artistic woman to marry him, and I was instantly thinking about what to knit! It was an early summer wedding, so that automatically ruled out quite a few things. While roaming the shop one day looking for the ever elusive idea... I came upon this lovely lace weight in off -white... 800+ yards!
Ah Ha!
Random holes in it!
I had the idea.
This is what I did with it.
The name of the yarn is
Lacey Lamb and as her name is Lacey, the future Mrs. Lambe, that was just too good to pass up!
That's my hand, not hers, the credit for those two pictures goes to E.
The shawl came out great, she loved it.
Then I whipped together a felted MoneyBag (another one of my sweetie's bright ideas) while they were on their honeymoon, and he and I filled it with all of our rolled change.
That's what people really want when they get married, right?
So mission accomplished! I'm pretty sure they liked both of my creations, I got to enjoy the creative creating process, and not another thought about it.
Until tonight...
When Lacey gave me this-
My picture does not do this lovely painting justice, but that ball of yarn has got little eyes and a sly smile! I love him and he's my new friend! Did you see that at the bottom? "for Hannah"!!!
I knitted things and she painted knitting things!
I knit, she knits, we knit!