OK folks, here it is;
For Christmas this year my sweet man decided to create something quite original for me. He was building it down in the garage for weeks, though I was very tempted, I promise I never peeked. Then he says to me "Is it OK if I don't wrap your present this year? I think it's too big for wrapping paper." So I say sure, all the while thinking how big can it really be? He has already assured me at this point that we do have room in our home, and he knows just the place.
So he leads me into the living room eyes covered, and what do I see but eight feet of the coolest shelving that ever existed! The openings are many different sizes, this is no bookshelf folks, this is a YARN shelf! A home for all of my tastiest skeins. A place to look at yarn and motivate me to knit the next beautiful thing on the list. This shelf is a piece of art on my wall, and it is quite fun to arrange all of the yarn! I LOVE THIS SHELF!
So enough about me, here's where you all come in.
Exactly how much yarn can I fit on my new shelf?

That's the shelf fully loaded with yarn, over the handsome creator!
Contest Details-
Send your guesses for total number of skeins OR total weight in Pounds (US) by email to:
JEWELLKNITS (at) gmail (dot) com
(replace "at" and "dot" with symbols for email)
Please include your name in your email.
Best guesses without going over will win.
All skeins are full weight, there are no partial skeins. (Weight of yarn, not the shelf, folks.)
Multiple correct answers will be entered in a random drawing to determine prizes.
Yarns etc. and Great Yarns employees are encouraged to participate for a separate prize.
Please identify yourself by name and store location in your email.
Contest deadline is February 24th, all email guesses must be in before that date.
As some of you know who I am and where I work, I encourage you to come visit me at the shop, hang out and try to get the answers out of me! I dare you! Oh, and by the way, people who attempt to tickle me will NOT be allowed to participate... so don't even try that!
Good Luck!!
See you at Knit Night this thursday 6:30- 9:00 in Carrboro!
Sweet! Glad you posted the pic. I came home to MD and told all my friends about your present! I'll be sending in my guess soon.
Thanks for a great LYS visit!
Love them!!!! Wish Carl and I had a set our selfs they would look so cool over our bed filled with yarn!!!
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