All the yarn that's fit to knit!

Come on in, the yarn's fine!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Quick Knitterly PS!

Hey yoooooou guyyyyyyys!

(Remember "The Goonies"?)
There is a fantastic outing coming up where we can all hang together, knitting and crocheting in public, making those regular folk nearby elbow each other and remarking upon our general fabulousness.

What is this outing, you ask?  Do tell!

Why, it's the Durham Bulls Stitch N' Pitch!

As you can see here, it's Saturday, May 19th.  The game is at 7pm, and tickets are only $9.  Nine bucks!  Only nine bucks to channel your inner Susan Sarandon and knit while you do it.  What a deal!

See you there, right?  Play ball!

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