I've nearly finished my brown sweater. I kept thinking, "I'll finish today, no problem" and then was surprised that I was hardly any closer to slapping a neck on it, the shoulder shaping just. kept. going. on. and. on. A bit of knitting quicksand, but I slogged through. All it needs now is of course the neck, and to graft the underarm stitches together and voila!
I foresee this simple sweater becoming a fall and winter wardrobe staple.
The Twenty Ten Cardigan is also proceeding apace. I'm almost to the split for the shoulders/sleeves. Moss stitch looks very nice, but it is a bit of a pain to knit, as opposed to good old stockinette stitch, or garter stitch.
Geez Louise, I need to go get some brighter colors to knit with before I become a walking ad for the blahs.
Thanks, Violet. That's my girl, always seeking to bring a little joy and color to my blahs. |
I'm in a little color quandary since I'm knitting a larger Tomten than I had thought (maybe Vi can wear this when she's...four...or so) and I'm running out of the yarn that I thought would last for the sleeves and the hood. So now I'm wondering if I want to make red sleeves and a red hood, or do stripey sleeves and a red hood, or just....go the LYS and pick up some more worsted weight yarn. Something a little brighter?
Funny. All roads lead to Rome, or, to the LYS for the knitter. Oh dear, whatever will this knitter do! It's such a treat chore to go the LYS. I'll have to make sure I don't tell my husband. Um....
What are you knitting on? Any brightly colored knits out there?
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