All the yarn that's fit to knit!

Come on in, the yarn's fine!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Crochet Tea Set

If this isn't a Labor of Love for one little girl I don't know what is!
This whole tea set is crocheted out of  thin cotton and a little metallic for the spoons. This creative mom even made sugar cubes for the pretend tea! So special! 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Charity Knitting

There is lots of Charity Knitting going on in our community and we are so fortunate to be able to see how people are participating with their varied talents.
 A very creative knitter made these children's sweaters out of leftover bits of wool yarn. She created little masterpiece sweaters for Children in Common-  an organization that provides warm sweaters for children all over the world.

Another knitter was also very busy making all these wool raglan pullovers for the same organization.

 We also get lots of Linus Blankets dropped off at yarns etc.. and Great Yarns. We are happy to get them in the right hands so they can be distributed to children in out community.

Some other charity knitting projects we have seen lately have been for Afghans for Afghanistan, The Prayer Shawl Ministry, Hats for the Homeless, Caps for newborns, Helmet Liners for the soldiers in Iraq and many more local and national organizations.

There are so many charity knitting projects to participate in. If you aren't able to do any charity knitting and want to participate by donating unneeded yarn or needles we can make sure it gets to the right people. Please let us know some of your favorite organizations by leaving a comment on this post and we will include the information in a future post.

Thank you to all of you who donate their time and talents to those in need.

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