There is a wonderful organization called Linus Blankets that provides handmade blankets for children in need. There are so many creative people in the area who knit, crochet and sew blankets. Yarns etc... is a designated drop off point for finished pieces. I am so fortunate to be able to see all the beautiful creations before they are picked up and distributed
Early last Summer we sponsored a Stitch n Pitch at the Durham Bulls game and asked people to contribute knit squares so they could be sewn together into a blanket for the Linus Project.
Our friend Carolyn sewed them together for us one day.
This is a blanket that was knit by a High School
student for credit for her community service hours.
Everyone can make a blanket! You can make an easy one or try out a new stitch and make a more difficult one. You can crochet one or sew one. You can even make them out of Polar Fleece. They are all needed and appreciated.
Check out their web site at;
1 comment:
Project Linus and baseball--some of my favorite things. Do you think we could get a stitch n pitch going in Greensboro for a Grasshoppers game? I would love to participate.
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