All the yarn that's fit to knit!

Come on in, the yarn's fine!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I've been pondering knitting some copper wire into something for a while now. With two special Birthdays (actually one birthday, two special people) happening in a busy week, I needed something shiny and quick.

Reading Mary's Knitting Jewelry post got me to actually try it. 
I tell you it wasn't easy, I liked the thicker wire and I chose beads that had squared edges, so it took a bit of practice...

What fun results!
Here's what I came up with in just a short time-

and number two-

Amazing the things you think you'd never do.

Remember ladies and gentlemen that tomorrow is the last day to put in your guesses for the CONTEST!
I am so excited to start handing out prizes!!

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