All the yarn that's fit to knit!
Come on in, the yarn's fine!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Knit Christmas Bell
Any size yarn and appropriate needle size. Smaller yarn and needles will give you a smaller bell- larger needle and yarn gives you a larger bell. This is a great project to use up leftover yarns.
Cast on 13 sts. Work the following 2 rows for 44 rows (there will be 22 garter ridges)
2-purl 3, knit the rest of the sts.
Bind off. Fold piece in half with knit edge on bottom-flaring out like a bell. Sew up side and gather top.
Make a crochet chain stitch hanger. Attach a jingle bell to the inside.
This is the pattern for the knit Christmas Bell that was sent out in our last e news-
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Best Christmas Present Ever!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Beautiful Colors
Sunday, October 25, 2009
So Much Talent and Creativity
There are so many creative people who are or have been associated with Great Yarns and Yarns etc. Interweave Crochet Magazine has a new Editor- Marcy Smith Rice lives in Raleigh and is doing an excellent job at the magazine. Marcy wrote a crafts column for theRaleigh News and Observer before going to work for Interweave. In between jobs she helped us out at Great Yarns. We enjoy seeing each and every Interweave Crochet that has Marcy's creative touch.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Much to my surprise, in uncovering more about this connection inherent to craftivism, it led to charity knitting, a MA thesis on how crafting can facilitate community development, essays, blog posts, and a book! It's called Knitting for Good: A Guide to Creating Personal, Social and Political Change Stitch by Stitch and was published by Shambhala last November. Since then I have also started writing a Craftivism column for Interweave Crochet, which is edited by the very talented local crafter, Marcy Smith! At one of those book signings last year, Mary said she needed some extra help in the shop some days and ever since I've been filling in here and there, as of August, every Friday afternoon and on occasions when there's an open shift.
But what about this craftivism thing? What is it all about? It started with the realization of how handmade items touch us in a completely different way than mass-produced ones. Items made by hand not only feel different, but are different because they are made from two hands and not a production line of machines. Wearing something made specifically for you, versus wearing something made for the bottom line, are two completely different experiences. With this in mind, I started knitting scarves, hats, blankets, mittens and vests for different charities that were collecting handmade pieces for various drives or collection. I liked that I could take the strength of knitting, that one has complete control over a garment's construction from design to size to color to gauge, and make something special for someone...especially for someone who desperately needed a vest to keep warm or could be comforted through difficult times by snuggling up with a cheerful blanket. I also liked that I could, in my own small way, fight against homelessness, war, cancer, or other injustices/causes with little else but my own two hands, some sticks and some string. It reminded me of how we're all connected when I felt overwhelmed that there wasn't a magic pill that would save everyone. It reminded me that maybe I couldn't help save a whole country of children, but that I could make a few children's days better by putting my knitting needles to good use.
In allowing the dual effects of knitting (process and product) to resonate, I've found the spot where maybe I'm not so technical, but I am constantly inspired to keep creating. I love that whether I'm waiting at the doctor's office or watching a movie or talking with friends I can be simultaneously working towards making someone's day better through knitting, whether it's my grandmother's or a stranger's. At first, my mother was worried about the "activism" part of craftivism, as didn't that entail lots of waving banners or breaking windows or something else not so positive? In time, however, she came to see how "activism" is not rooted in negativity, it's rooted in kindness and care and action. Positive action towards making the world a better place to be. That kindness and care is the heart of craftivism, uncovering how we can take our individual gifts and talents and use them to help others. And it's at the heart of knitting and creating, as we make items that are beautiful and sustainable with our own two hands, embracing the past and welcoming it into the future.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Baby Gifts
One Creative knitter made this cute vest and hat set for a new Grandbaby. The buttons on the hat tassels are a really cute touch.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Where has the time gone?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Busy Saturday
We had a busy Saturday in the Chapel Hill store this week. Not a busy day helping people pick out new projects but a busy day organizing. This is the "move-in " Saturday at UNC . We know that students and parents are busy moving into their dorms and the Chapel Hill natives are staying home away from traffic. We also had ominous dark clouds hovering and I knew all of those factors would make it a great day to rearrange the store.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Summer Sale
No pictures today because we have been busy getting ready for our Summer Sale.
It is a traveling sale so come to both stores for some great bargains on yarn.
The Sale schedule is as follows:
Great Yarns: Saturday August 8th- Tuesday August 11th
Yarns etc...: Friday August 14th - Tuesday Ausust 18th
Stay COOL!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
If I were going to get a tattoo....
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Knit Summer Bags
Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
This Month brings us the annual World Wide Knit In Public Day!

Be sure to do your part and get knitting out there to be talked about and seen by all!
You can get together your own group and go to your favorite hangout, or join an organized group for a bigger event, but most importantly- get out there and have fun spreading fiber-arts!
The Ol' North State Knitting Guild Is hosting a big get together to celebrate.
Here's the details:
Location: Lake Crabtree Park, Morrisville.
Time: 11am - 4pm
Date: June 13, 2009
How to get there:
1400 Aviation Parkway, I-40, exit 285, ‘Beech’ shelter
Please bring: Yarn, of course! There are picnic tables, a kids playground and grills available on site. We are right at the lake if you want to swim. There will be vendors, door prizes, charity displays, and the opportunity to work on the World’s Longest Scarf in support of Keep the Fleece, a celebration of the International Year of Natural Fibres. Mostly - come knit and have fun with people who understand stash! Contact robin, As this is an all inclusive event, please feel free to bring your crochet, nalbinding, spindle or wheel.
The backup plan is: The Beech shelter is completely covered.
This KIP is not knitting exclusive
There are free bathrooms available nearby
Drop us a comment here on the blog if you wish to share some of your favorite places to Knit In Public.
Friday, June 5, 2009